Whether superficial or large, body scratches can be repaired at home. The body repair of a vehicle may be required in different cases: body scratch, body dent removal, protection of the body, etc. You can repair the auto body scratches easily by following the below given instructions recommended by Superior Auto Body.
Body Scratches: Solutions for the Damage Surface
A body scratch may be faded or disappeared without the need of a professional service.
Several types of repair products for scratches
To remove a superficial scratch on the body, there are products in the form of paste or liquid. These products can be used when:
- a micro scratch
- a shallow alteration of the bodywork
- a slight scratch
Instructions for the repairing a small scratch
After cleaning the surface of the scratched body:
- put anti scratch on a soft, clean cloth
- apply the product on the area to be treated
- spread the solution superficially at the point of the scratch
- allow to dry for 15 to 30 minutes: the drying time is stipulated in the instructions for use
When the anti-scratch product is dry:
- rub and wipe with light, circular movements
- shine with a soft, clean cloth
Body scratch: in case of major damage
If the scratch is deep, it may require major renovations.
Repair products for large scratches
Scratches are considered important in the following cases:
- absence of varnish and paint showing a white trace
- deep deterioration of the body resulting in unevenness on the surface of the bodywork
Some products have demonstrated their effectiveness:
- body pencil of the same color as the car
- polish
- Fine-grit sandpaper
Repairing a big scratch: instructions for use
To treat deep scratches, follow the instruction given below:
- sand the area to be treated with fine-grained sandpaper to remove any splinters from the body
- apply the body pencil on the part to be repaired
- let it dry for 15 to 30 minutes according to the manufacturer’s instructions
- apply polish with the soft, clean cloth
Note: When the scratches are really too deep or the area to be treated is extended, it is better to use a body painter.